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Healing Dec
Over the past few months I’ve been blessed to pray for @ least 4 people that received healing on their eyes/vision !!!
2 of them had completely lost their sight, All Glory to Jesus!!! He’s the healer
The thing the Lord put upon my heart to share I have found very important for every Believer in Christ, You must seek God!!!! when you have a problem physically.... if we seek doctors/people over God for our answers we are missing it & it could be detrimental. I appreciate doctors & nurses very much, however we must learn to Follow Gods lead especially for our bodies... (Proverbs 3:5-6
He will not steer wrong for decision making)
3/4 of the people I prayed with went to the doctor & that’s fine One had lost sight in both eyes & God restored her vision...
However, she was talked into taking a certain type of medication after Jesus healed her & almost immediately lost her sight again
She admitted that the medication was a bad idea & this went against the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Well good news is this I believe with all my heart the Lord will restore her sight again she has very strong faith in God!!
Mark 11:22-24
Here’s my encouragement:
Before you have a problem big or small, take time to go throughout the word of God and get healing scriptures inside of you and meditate on them... God will always respond to Genuine Faith in His word
He’s faithful Hebrews 11:6
Also pray: every day for ((divine health and divine healing)) I started doing this at 20 years old after an elder man at my church encouraged me to do so & the testimonies have become endless
Do your due diligence’ God shows No favoritism He wants you Blessed & whole
Mentally, Physically, Etc..
john 15
Psalm 35:27: “Let them shout for joy and be glad, who favor my righteous cause, and let them say continually, 'Let the Lord be magnified who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant” (NKJV).
(Prosperity in this scripture in Hebrew language means ‘’Total well Being’’
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